That means I once again have to make a STRONG case for me getting those darn monkeys!!! You can look at my original entry - which, by the way was the very first entry of all! - here.
And here is a picture of the maid, no more words needed. She even has a monkey TATTOO on her arm!

anastasia honey does the maid have your glasses on?
smiles, auntie bee
I agree, the competition sure is fierce!
The competition is really fierce! I can see how bad you want it!!
Yes there does seem to be some fierce competition. I'll head over there to help you all out.
Wow, your maid must really like monkeys!
The competition is certainly fierce!
Anastasia, your persistance and perserverance (how come it says we spellt those two words wronged?) are sights to behold. Add your attitude to the mix, and well...have you ever considered a career in criminal defense? You are very persuasive, even in the face of challenging evidence!
Your fans.
I think your maid might need the monkeys even more than me! I will see if I can whip George Jr. into shape.
It has been a very fun and exciting contest!
your slave looks marginally less silly than mine. My slave likes monkeys too, as evidenced by the male she lives with. I do hope the maid wins the monkeys, then she can get back the serious business of caring for you.
Humans! So stupid! xx
Wowie - Anastasia, you and your maid certainly are fighting hard for those monkeys. We believe that the monkeys would probably like going to your house! They would feel right at home there!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I really hope that you and your maid get those monkeys, Anastasia.
I bet if you got a photo could shrink a picture of yourself and cover up the tattoe on your maid's arm...and replace it with a lovely image of yourself...course, it would only be in the photo...but still.
Good luck, Anastasia! You have a pretty maid!
I have my paws crossed for you both in this contest!
What is happening in 12 days over on your side bar??
Miss Peach is nosey:)
I think I'd pass on the monkeys. It was hard enough to train my humans properly.
Anastatia, your maid really does seem to be a true monkey devotee! Ollie wants dem monkeys bad to make it up to mommy but we think maybe you should win them instead! We'll know soon enough!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
With no archive it took me half an hour, from here to Squillion Contest and back again
to here..., but I found it!! Hahaha. And yes, this was the picture of the maid I remember.
She is a primatologist??
But it's a shame I wasn't reporter of our blog then, dumb staff, I missed a big contest.
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