Saturday, July 21, 2007

WCB: Secret Paws, finally!

What happened is this: The maid vanished some time ago and with her our P.O.Box key vanished too! And the butler didn't have a spare... A couple of days ago the maid reappeared and we had access to our P.O.Box again and so we finally did get our Secret Paws!
And what Secret Paws they are! We feel overwhelmed and humbled. When we entered the Secret Paw thing we had just started blogging and we had no idea really what kind of a wonderful community we had found!

Just look at this: we got ORANGE toys, lots of them! And GLASSES! One pair red, one pair yellow. And a toy lizard on a string! But best of all, we FINALLY got Temptations! While we were wondering all this time what they were and how they taste... there was a package in our P.O.Box all along!

That was the first thing I did: nibble up some of the Temptations! They taste GOOD!!!!
Next thing we tried on our new glasses, I think we look very splendid in them:Then we nibbled a bit more, and played some with the orange toys (Anastasia) and the lizard (me) and now we want to thank pour Secret Paw Caesar from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you, Caesar, so very very much for
these wonderful and thoughtful gifts!!!!!

Anastasia and Karl


The M's said...

Wow, nice secret paws prezzies. I would keep an eye on that maid of yours, no telling what she is hiding from you all.
Karl, I am used to being around princesses, you see Missy thinks she is one. I have has my eye on Anastasia also, and wish I could have spent more time with her at Dragonhearts party as well. Maybe sometime we can both meet somewhere just the two of us....Monte

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

nice. furry nice. you are a couple of cuties all right...

smiles, auntie bee

Lux said...

How would Caesar know you would appreciate glasses, I wonder ... ? :)

You both look great in them!

Cool about the Temptations!

Around Your Wrist said...

that is a very cool secret paws package! glasses and temptations all in one...he knows you!

thanks for putting the 'feed the animals' button on your blog. i've copied that and the child health care button and will add those to my blog. not that we aren't for all of the buttons, but maybe we can get others to add those!

benjamin fuzbunikins

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

great secret paws you got and the glasses are hilarious!!
thanks for joining WCB this weekend!
purrs, K&O

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, you two received a great Secret Paws package! :) I just tried Temptations for the first time too - Mr Chen & Ollie sent me some for winning their 100 post contest, and I was delighted that they made it through customs! :)

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh Spy Cats... thats what we think Glasses are for Spy Kitty Cats! Hehehe, Great Package of Presents! Awesome - have much fun and happy belated Blogoversary!

Kitikata-san said...

toys and yummies! wow! lucky yous.

Daisy said...

Wow, Caesar picked out some very perfect things for you! Some ORANGE things, and some GLASSES and a LIZARD and TEMPTATIONS! The best things just for you. And it looks like you are really enjoying your presents.

Secret Paws was fun!

sammawow said...

Oh, Hooray! We are so happy you got to experience the wonderfulness of Temptations. And you look great in your new glasses too!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

Clyde is eyeing those temptations. He loves those things. (Henry to Clyde - stop licking the screen, it has no flavor).

Gretchen said...

I like your gifts. I'm Temptations junkie.