This is one of the pikchurs out of the furry furrst batch we postid.
We didn't know back then just how many new furrends we were going to make. Well we haf to say what a pleasure it has been to meet yoo all, and we hope we haf many more happy years wiv yoo.
We would like to fank Karl and Anastasia furr furry kindly posting this furr us, we reely apreesheeayte it guys.
Happy blogoversary from us too!
PLEASE everybody, go over to Eric and Flynn and leave your congratulations there so they will find them when they come back!!!!!

Happy Bloggoversary !
Happy bloggoversary~!!!!
You are very nice friends to post this for Eric and Flynn! Happy Blogoversary to them. :)
How sweet of you to post this for Eric and Flynn! I wish them a Happy Blogoversary!
Lots of purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
*~*~*HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY*~*~* to Eric and Flynn from me and alla the Ballicai!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a cool award - happy blogoversary to my friends Eric & Flynn!
A VERY happy blogaversary to you!!! What fantastic news - a whole year - I can't honestly recall what my life was like before you guys - I love reading your blog! In a haughty, royal way of course!
Congratulations again :-) xxx
p.s the manual sounds like an excellent idea! Maybe we should get together and sort some formal instructions out, you know, to help the younger kitties whose humans aren't that well trained?
It was very nice of you to post this for Eric and Flynn. I'll go right over to wish them a Happy Blogoversary
How wonderful of you to post this for Eric and Flynn! So we can all celebrate their one year blogaversary even though Eric and Flynn are prisoners until their beans get home. And I love the fancy award you made them! Congratulations Eric and Flynn!
That was very, very nice of you to do this for Eric and Flynn!
I am on my way over there now. FAZ
Happy bloggoversary! How sweet of you!
See those awards over there ====>>
you guys deserve every one! Now we're going over and wish Eric and Flynn a happy blogoversary...
Fanks efuur so much furr posting this furr us. We just mannijjed to git the compooter turned on furr a few minnits to haf a look. The award yoo made us is grate. See yoo when we git released furrom this purrizzin.
This is so sweet of you to post this for Eric & Flynn! We will go over and wish them a Happy 1st Blogoversary!!!
Luf, Us
sounds like a good reason to have a party!
happy blogOversary!
nice, furry nice. and many more...
smiles, auntie bee
Happy Bloggoversary mommy and me love your blog :)
Happy Bwogoversawy!
It's time to...PARTY!!!
Happy Blogoversary to Eric and Flynn! You are lovely to host it!
Happy Blogoversary to Eric and Flynn!
You guys are so nice to do this for them!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Can we get us one of those COOL awards for our one month anniversary?
Why not?
Happy Blogoversary, Eric & Flynn!! No fair that you're in prison for it, though.
Happy Blogoversary!
how furry nice of you ta do this fur them! we're gonna go offur an party wif 'em in their prizzen.
Happy Blogoversary to Eric & Flynn!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
That's very nice of you to make the banner for Eric & Flynn, too.
Happy Blogoversary, guys! I'm impressed by all of your blogging work when you've got such busy outside jobs to do.
Thanks, Anastasia and Karl, for letting us know!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Awww you are both so sweet to celebrate Eric and Flynn's blogoversary in your blog!
Wow, one whole year. I have only been blogging for a little less than two months now. I can't wait until my first blogaversary.
Happy happy blogaversy! And many more. ;)
~Napoleon and Hunter~
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary ! One year already, it's true time goes by so fast especially when you have fun !
You've come a long way baby!
Muhahahahaha! Concatulations and happy blogoversary!
Congratulations! I'm pleased to meet you on such an auspicious occasion!
Mom is on vacation and she didn't leave our computer on and I still don't have opposable thumbs so I have to think very hard to send her my messages to post. I'm trying to convince her to update my blog with pix of my cousins Buffy and Fluffy from Grandma's house. You all look alike!! If she does it soon I hope you'll stop back by to see them.
We posted "congrats" at Eric&Flynn's, but we wanted to say hello to you too...
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