Monday, July 30, 2007

Mancat Monday

Pssssttt - don't tell Karl that I posted this!
Hahahahahaha - "Mancat", I don't think so!

Look at that TONGUE!


Anonymous said...

Lol...Well he does look cute :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Karl looks cute with his tongue stuck out like that.

Daisy said...

Oh Karl! You are very silly. You are a handsome mancat even with your tongue sticking out.

LZ said...

Looks like he had great night partying. Nothing to be ashamed of at all.


Tyler said...

Anastasia, you are such a rabble-rouser. I can't wait to see what pic of you he posts for Tabby Tuesday or maybe Widebody Wed? Enjoy your day you two!
Toodles, Tyler

Anonymous said...

He sorta looks like Gene Simmons in that one, doesn't he?
And Gene Simmons is nothing if not manly, isn't he?

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ohhhh, karl is going to be sooo mad! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

MaoMao said...

hehehe! Karl looks cute with his tongue stickin' out! He's a furry handsum mancat and them sunglassies are KOOL.

And I emailed you with my snail mail!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Karl, those are some amazing glasses!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Was he such a mancat that he had too many beers and passed out? He does look pretty darn cute with that tongue, though.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Karl is totally manly with that tongue stuck out. Just think KISS - da 70s rock band. Rock on, dude!


Awwww, Karl looks manly despite his tongue sticking out! He's not afraid to show his goofy side.


Karl, do just as you please. Who cares about a photo like that?


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Ha...nobody helped me with the German...I just knows it! I have a green passport from over there:)
It was a fun contest to do....I can't wait for your ticker to count down on your next one:)
Boy is Karl ever gona be ticked about the photo you slapped in the bloggy today...hee hee

The M's said...

Oh Ana, I do hope that Karl did not get too mad at you about this. I am getting excited about the new IDYA that you are working on. Later Monte. {{{gentle hug}}}

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Karl is very very cute~! Cutest mancat ever~!

Lux said...

Are you stirring up trouble, Anastasia? Karl still looks quite manly, I think, even if oblivious.

Anonymous said...

You look dead to the world. Have a good nap.

robkroese said...

Does it smell funny in here?

Phoebe said...

Dear Karl,

I like your sunglasses. They are very cool. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten back to you sooner. You and Anastasia are already members in full standing of the Pablo Fan Club. Your names are listed in the memberlist roll. Members are listed by name in alphabetical order.

Lulu (Dan's cat) said...

What a pretty kitty! I think I'm in love.