Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!!

Here are your presents: Karl made you a string toy - and the toy looks like a DragonLizard to me...
And I made you a button for your post.
And the wonderful Miss Peach is throwing a party for you in PARIS!!!
This will be one memorable birthday, mancat Dragonheart!
Happy happy happy birthday to you!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Thank you so much! :) You two are awesome and such wonderful friends! I am touched and honoured. :) Thanks again!

I like the DragonLizard. :)

Daisy said...

Those are some wonderful presents you made for Dragonheart. Things that you make for your friends are much better than things that you buy. You are good friends.

The M's said...

Nice handmade prezzies.
Ana, I do not know if I will be able to attend Dragonhearts b-day party. Mommie bean has to take the young beans to the dentist a squillion miles away from here, and might not be back until late in the evening, which would be early in the am at Dragonhearts. I will, however, try to teleport over there as much as possible. See you soon...Monte

Anonymous said...

What a big heart you have Dragonheart!

Lux said...

Cool things for Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

Hi K & A,
Oh yes..."certifiable" is the highest of high compliments! We prefer certifiable friends to any other kind. Skeezix was the initial inspiration for our blog...say no more?

As for our Paris plans for the DragonFest...Willie & Bianca are so over Paris, having done it in many previous lives. Plus they're old and need to dawg sit. Someone has to clean up her icky dookies, and it ain't me, Babe! I'm a young soul and I CAN'T WAIT TO GOOOOOOO. I'd like an escort, and Fat Eric has thus far miracuously remained immune to my subtle advances and lightly-dropped hints. I'm thinking maybe Good Cat Kelly is my meant-to-be date. What do you think?
Sadie the Snakey

Parker said...

Dragonheart is the greatest! We'll see you in Paris!

lordjaders said...

Wowwee--I surrre do miss out when I miss a day! I betterrr get bloggin. I think I got a date with Mr. Benjamin Fuzz--but I hope I'm not too late. Cool toys by the way!

Yourrr Furrrend,


Rascal said...

Very nice birthday card. Very thoughtful.

LZ said...

That is so sweet!


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That is a fantastic Happy Birthday wish and toys for Dragonheart on his first birthday!
Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Karl, you are amazingly talented! Dragonheart is lucky to have a friend like you!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

These are wonderful gifts for Dragonheart. What a lucky guy!

Happy Day see you at the party!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! those are great gifts. Very thoughtful. OK, my secretary (aka Mommy) missed you tagging me. Sorry about that. I hope next time we get to tag you!

Can't wait to see you at the party.

Maddy said...

Oooh look at all those cats in the comments! [Newbie]
Well done and happy birthday

Jake and Bathsheba said...

What thoughtful gifts for everyone's friend Dragonheart! We were offline for a few days (mean Mom!) so we've had a lot of catching up to do!


The Wanderer said...

Dragonlizard looks good enough to put the bitey on!!


snowforest said...

Oh no I missed the party - these are some nice presents!