Friday, July 13, 2007

Fashion Friday


Karen Jo said...

Oh, my goodness, what a hat! You look smashing, Anastasia.

The Wanderer said...

Oh definetly a fashion statement we like it even better then the pink hair! :)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Re your comment: what a fabulous idea for an award! Yes, yes, I think Anastasia should create one, it would be perfect like us!

Fab pic by the way! ha ha LOL xx

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow. Looking good, Anastasia! You are totally ready for the races. You should come over to Australia for the Melbourne Cup, Australia's most famous horse race, on the first Tuesday in November. You'd fit right in!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

how beautiful you look anastasia!

smiles, auntie bee

LZ said...

Look, horsies in the background! I love your hat, its really eye catching.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, that hat is almost as big as you! Very nice. :) Are you going to the races this weekend?

Anonymous said...

Love the photo that's a very beautiful hat.

Daisy said...

Oh, it is the perfect hat to wear for the Kentucky Derby. And you should have a catnip julep to drink, too!

Anonymous said...

What a great hat! I wish I had one so I could play with it.

Anonymous said...

Simply Stunning! You have us re-thinking this whole "NO clothes or hats" policy we just set today!
Bianca & Sadie

Parker said...

How lovely! And it matches your furs!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anastasia! You are so fashion-savvy, and you look simply glamorous!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

JT said...

Nice hat! You could go to the Henley Royal Regatta! Thanks for nominating Ernest and me for the Rocking Boy Blogger award. The Feeders were away for the past week and left the computer off! No blogging for us. We're back now though!

Lux said...

Just came by to see what you're all up to - I shoulda known! :) Mom says she loves that hat and she wants one for herself!

Miss Sara said...

Wow. What a hat!! You got the snazzy glasses, too! Perfect for the races. Are you going to put down some money on a horse, too??

We took your pink hair challenge... have you seen?

Purrs, Miss Sara

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

After Ascot, you've got to teleport over for the opening of Del Mar racing season ... "Go baby, go!"


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

anastasia ...
dat hat bringz owt yer byootiful tabbiness.
va va va voom!

The M's said...

wowzers, my heart almost jumped out of my chest...monte

Natalia said...

Nice hat! I want one!

Anita said...

Muhahahahaha! You looks funny and fashion.