Scavenger Hunt Item # 1, What do you think of when you hear the word "Sphynx"?

Final Scavenger Hunt Item, provide a caption for this photo:
Wake me up when the Tattoo is done.
Scavenger Hunt Item # 7, Give the German word for the following:
die Katze
das Kätzchen
Cat Food
das Katzenfutter
Cat Litter

die Katzenstreu
Scratching Post
der Kratzbaum
die Katzenminze
Grrreat shot. Dragon Heart who looks so Egyptian will love it. I am definitely lacking in the fashion deparrrtment. I can tell I'm going to have to entice my lady bean to get photo shop orrr something. She prrrobably has it, just might not know wherrre to look! Orrr do you guys just use that secrrret Gypsy cat on yourrr side barrr to zap you into something stylish?
Nice job. :) Love it! :)
As for a Mr. Linky, I'm going to put one up tomorrow, when the entries are due in, for all those participating to leave their links. :)
I just wanted to drop by because I've seen you two posting all over the place. I wanted to say hi. I haven't found a photo of you all without glasses. They are very very fashionable, but it would be nice to see your eyes. Being the windows to one's soul and all. I love the sphynx picture you did and also the caption. Your sense of humor is infectious. I hope to be getting to see more of you.
"That Sphynx photo explains a lot", I mutter to myself, while thoughtfully nodding my head...
Yes indeed...
My human is too fat and lazy to do dragonheart's scavenger hunt. I was really really annoyed with her, I'd have done it myself if I didn't need her to switch on the computer. Great sphynx pic by the way.
Oh, I see we are close to another dare. I anticipate it with dread. xx
My Mommie says that she has been too busy this week also to enter, she didn't even do any of the hunt...I would ignore her for a while, but she wouldn't let me see you if I did.
totally cool!
by the way.... anastasia is hired to teach a biting seminar this fall... thanks so much.
have a great weekend
Oh thank you for the kind offer of help with the move! Much appreciated ! Truthfully I think the humans have it all in hand - funnily enough, we are moving to a street called windsor mews which is pretty apt considering I am royalty and all! xx
That Sphynx photo is very fabulous!
Cool, I really think that Sphynx in Eygpt really need sun glasses, after all, that place really really hot~!!!
Hahaha, this picture is just adorable !The funniest is that today the Egyptian cats just look like ours, sometimes their face is a little siamese but nothing to do with a sphinx cat.
Great photo! We know the internet can be a predatory place and lots of people don't like to reveal their identities, but like Tyler, we'd love to see you without the glasses just once.
We saw your contest entry on Rocky's blog. That vishus deer thing is a long story and has a long blogging history. Maybe if you go to Skeezix's blog and search on "vishus deer," it might all become clear. We won some of the repellent in one of Skeezix's contests. Boy, is it smelly! We saw some of the production teams summer interns: baby skunks!
We used to love deer here in Northern Virginia until they overpopulated and started devouring all the vegetation including people's prize plants.
you did a great job - we love the ferst pikshur!!
I made a note of all those German words in case I ever find myself in Germany. It's unlikely as I get travel sick, but you never know. Thanks FAZ
That sphinx looks just like one giant kitty!
I am very impressed with that Sphynx image ... love the glasses!
Wow, guys. You did better than me. I only thought about collecting the items! How slack is that? It looked like a cool contest. BTW, thanks for reminding me to help Zeus through the blogathon. Sometimes being on the other side of the world has its advantages! We're usually online in the evenings, so it was a pleasure to help out. BTW #2, Phoebe and Monica are in charge of the official Pablo Fan Club membership. Their mum has been away, and so might be behind in helping them with the fan club admin. But be assured, you guys are valued members already. We just have to make it official. Cheers!
how dare your human have other things to do than help you with the scavenger hunt! my mom, on the other hand, said 'let's enjoy what others are putting together'. so we haven't done anything...except watch lucy grow.
mom here: we all napped today: i was on the couch. ben on the floor next to me, lucy at his back with her back against his. it was pretty cute.
Thats the spirit you two!! very creative photo:) Will we efurrrr see you without shades?
Wish you could have got the 3 monkeys....
At least your human helped you a little! I think you should be winners!
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