Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Couple Of Things

I am overwhelmed by the wonderful response to my first IDYA challenge!

Thank you for participating, I will visit everbody personally in the days to come and express my gratitude for the fun and laughs you gave me with all your beautiful pictures!

Everybody looked just outright AWESOME!!!

As a little thank you gift for your courage and bravery I made a
button for you to display on your blog if you want to, you can also pick it up here.

The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals.
Please click on the purple box "fund food for animals" in the sidebar, go to their site, click for free and install the button if you didn´t do it yet. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.

And don´t forget to click a lot!!!

P.S: I almost forgot: I gave the wig to Daisy as a present, it just felt right for her to have it...


Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! Not only did I answer your dare, so did my beans. Please understand, mommy isn't the best at Photoshop. This was fun. Mommy has this website on both her computers and clicks every day first thing. Thanks for getting the word out.

That is really nice you gave the wig to Daisy. She certainly is a great model for it!

Bailey said...

Hi, you visited my blog. You sound like a nice cat snack. Come again, but with caution. ~Bailey~

Catzee said...

Fank you furry much. I don't fink I'm gonna go fur wigs in the future.

The M's said...

We had lots of fun with this dare. Our Mommie has a question, can you make a button that says "We took the challange", for all the kitties out there who have more than one kitty on their blog?

sammawow said...

That was a really fun challenge and thank you for the button for our blogs! That will remind us and we will probably laugh again when we think of us in pink wigs!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Parker said...

It was fun seeing how all the kitties looked in their pink wigs! Mommy couldn't figure out how to do it, so I remained in my fur, no pink wig.

Anonymous said...

Thnaks for the button :)

Daisy said...

I love the whole "I dare you" concept. It was so much fun to do, and especially to see everybody wearing the wig.

ps: Thanks for giving me the wig. I will share anytime somecat wants to borrow it.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I am not impressed with the whole wig thing. Maybe try a tiara next time ok?

he he xxx

Anonymous said...

I took the dare, I can't wait for another one.

Anonymous said...

I took the dare, I can't wait for another one.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Anastasia, my whole fambletook the dare come by and check us all out in our neon pinky wiggies:)))

Anonymous said...


Me Again I picked you for a 5 things Meme.Please go to my blog to see.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...


The Wanderer said...

I added that site to my daily sites to visit list. :) Thanks for passing the word!

Laura said...

I'm so lame...I tried to put the animal rescue button on my blog earlier today, and I got the jpg up, but don't I need, like, some sort of code to hyperlink it? (Did I say that right?) I've jimmy rigged it to the best of my pathetic non-ability, but your post inspires me to press on. Can you HALP ME PLEEZE? Laura the Lame