Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Worldless Wednesday.With some words...

Congratulations to the winners of jeter's Squillion contest!
It was fierce! It was fun! And it tells you that you don't reach anything anymore these days if you do not employ multimedia!

Karl was prepared for this unlikely occurrence of me not winning the monkeys and made this magnet for me. Thank you Karl, you are a true friend!


Monte, console me........


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

It was very nice of Karl to make you that magnet! All of the entries in the contest were fabulous - I'm glad I didn't have to judge them!

Anonymous said...

That is a great magnet!

Anonymous said...

We hears that Skeezix won the monkees, but that magnet shore is neat and its all yores.

Daisy said...

I looooove the monkey magnet! I am going to send you an e-mail.

It was a very fun contest! I was laughing a lot when I read all the entries and the comments.

We can be monkey-less together! Anyway, I think the "Speak no evil" monkey might have cramped my style a little bit.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Hay hay we're da munkeez! And peepul say we munkeey arownd! But we're too bizzy singin to put anybudddy down! MRRAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!

I'm just bummed we didn't git owr myoozik videeyo done in time for the contest!

aka Mike Neznip

MaoMao said...

hehehe, I love the monkey magnet, too! that's so nice of Karl to make it fur you. Alla the entries were so funny and cute. It woulda been really hard to be a judge!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mosaic Cats said...

You two have such a way of keeping things in their proper perspective and you remain our very favorite certifiable new friends. Every time we come visit we go away smiling.
How gifted you are.
And slightly snarky.
Another trait we seek out in new friends.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer anastasia an karl,
i wanna thank u fer participatin in mi squillion contest. yer entreez an yer commentz were so much fun ... i wuz laffin an laffin!
i wish i hadda nudder set uv monkeyz to send to u anastasia. i know u wooda luved dem!
yer grate frendz an u make bloggin fun!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We were two of the judges and it was the hardest contest ever to judge.
All of the entries were excellent. We made our non-blogging girlbeanhuman assist us in making an unbiased selection of our choices, it was too hard to call.

Congratulations on making a very delightful entry!

purrs, Princess

Anonymous said...

I liked your entry, I read it and thought it seemed like a winner. Better luck next time.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We're sorry that there weren't enough monkeys for all the great entries. That certainly was a fierce competition and everyone was so creative.


lordjaders said...

Haaaa! What a funny monkey magnet!

Purrrs to You both,


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This monkey photo are very cute~!

The M's said...

Oh my precious Stasia, I am so very sorry that you did not win de monkeys. I voted for you if that helps. I would buy you a set of them if I had a real job that paid real green papers.
You are still my special girl and I am sorry that Mommie was not here today to help me get online sooner, guess I am going to have to put the bitey on her.
Yours truly, Monte.

snowforest said...

That's a very fashionable monkey :)

Anonymous said...

Cute Magnet sorry you didn't win.I tagged you for a Meme please go to my blog and see.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hahahahaha! We luv da magnet! We will have to send you our address so we can gits a magnet!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

That sure is a great magnet that Karl made you. We feel your pain, Anastasia. But, it's so true that dem wooden monkeys do not equal happiness, do they?
Mr. Chen & Ollie