Ruis birthday was November 26 but he and most of Limburg did not have any internet access for weeks!!! Today they are supposed to be back on!So we (Sassy, Opus, Momo, Asta and I, Karl) are throwing him a surprise birthday theme party now!
Welcome to Arabian Nights for Ruis!The guests of course arrive on magic flying carpets! Opus is bringing his new lady friend Lacie and they picked up Asta and her boyfriend Stanley on the way.
Momo comes with her boyfriend Socks and they picked up Sassy.
Mrs. OZ and Tintin had helped me put up some Arabian tents and one of them is solely reserved for Ruis birthday presents! After everybody puts their presents inside it is quiet crowded in there!
These are his presents: a framed painting (Opus), an Arabian horse (Sassy), gold bars (Sassy), a gold shawl (Asta), an oil lamp (Sassy), a camel (Opus), an orange tiger rug (Socks), a picture (Karl), pickled lizards (Karl), another oil lamp (Mrs. OZ), and another oil lamp (Momo), a gold throne (Karl), a hookah (Asta), a genii with a flying carpet (Momo), an Aladdin DVD (Tintin), perfume (Opus), an Arabian coffee set (Mrs. OZ), three boxes with precious scents (Asta), a sword (Tintin), a magic flying carpet (Sassy)
And then the In-Laws arrive with Ruis! They had told him that they would take him to a surprise trip in the countryside, blindfolded him, and flew him over.
After the long carpet rides everybody is just relaxing a bit first.
Not everybody! I am giving Ruis a private belly dance performance, hahahahahahahaha!
It doesn't stay private for long of course and now all the girls want to belly dance too! And not just the girls.... there is Opus, keeping Roscoe's spirit alive with a most awesome belly dance that Roscoe couldn't have done better!
After all that dancing everybody is hungry! Mrs. OZ and Tintin have some snacks prepared: lizard pilaf, lizard gyros, baklava and lots of hot sweet Moroccan tea. Here they are waiting with Karl and Ruis for the "hungry hord" to arrive.... And please help yourself to some food too, there is plenty more!
Being lizard focused cats we did forget to prepare meat for the dogs but fortunately Asta took care of that and brought lot of meat goodies along for the non-lizard crowed! Thank you Asta!
picture by Asta
Afterwards cats and dogs are just hanging out, having a good time. And for some reason Mrs. OZ decides to rub the lamp she gave Ruis for his birthday - and guess what happens!!! All our bridge animals appear in a cloud of pale blue smoke and sing "Happy Birthday To You".
Then it is time for Ruis and me to part with the party and mount our magic flying carpet to go off for a romantic couple of days at an undisclosed (no, Sassy, we are not telling!) location. But Sassy was nice enough to leave a prepacked suitcase for us with strict instructions to not open it until we reach our destination...
Come back this weekend to see where we'll go and what we'll encounter!
And if you have a minute please go over to
Ruis blog and leave him a birthday wish!
And as a little thank you for celebrating with us,
please also take some pillows home with you!

Oh, we just had to stop in and say Happy Purrthday to Ruis! May he have a squillion more.
Happy, Happy Birthday to Ruis!!!! Always trust the Aussie kitty to arrive early!!!
Happy Birthday Ruis! We hope you have a super party, and a great romantic get away.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oah My~!
This might be the best birthday party ever~!!!!
The party is in full swing! Everything looks just puuurfect Karl! I think the best part so far was when Anastasia, Roscoe and the gang sang happy birthday!
Think I will head over and get something to eat. All that belly dancing me hungery!
Happy Birthday Ruis!
What a wonderful party, belly dancing is fun and we all have plenty of belly here!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
Wow! Whatta Birthday Party...
What an awesome party. I love to belly dance!
Happy Birthday Ruis!!!!!
This is a pawsome party. The food is great.
MoMo, you are a terrific belly dancer. ~Socks
Happy Birthday Ruis! You share your birthday with D'boy, so you must be pretty special... :) Today is Miss Peach's Mommy's birthday so we're having a nice ladycat tea party over at their cottage. Do drop by if you can and please thank you maid for helping you send us that lovely postcard with the purrty cactus flower on it. Daddy's Mum just loves cacti so we'll scan the flower and send it to her and share the beauty! :)
Whoohoo! Happy Birthday to Ruis! This is a great party! Thanks for inviting us!
Happy Birthday Ruis! That looks like a smashing good time!
~The Creek Cats~
What a great party! I am having such a good time! Now that I have filled my belly, I think it is time I take it (my belly) onto the dance floor!
Wowee!!!!!!!11 What a super,duper birthday for RUIS!!!! You have a fantastic setup!! What fun,woot!!
I love the belly dancers ;)
Lots & lots of fun today!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow, what a great party. I think the lizard pilaf must be an aquired kitty ale to wash it down? Thanks for inviting us!
This is great! How nice it is to be in on the surprise birthday for Ruis. He certainly was surprised when he arrived and found all of us here. It was certainly a hard secret to keep.
Now onto the dancing and the great fun we will all have today.
Thanks for the beautiful pillows, I will certainly take one with me when I leave. But I am not leaving for awhile yet. Excuse me now as I have to talk to my sissie Momo and sweet Opus about another maybe surprise for your trip when you leave. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Now where did I put my dancing shoes, oh yes there they are . . . .
Oh, that looks like such a fun birthday party. Happy Birthday Ruis!
looks like that party was quite worthy of Ruis. Woo hoo.
Gerring a little hungry from all of the dancing. I am heading over to chow down some of this delicious good. Anyone want to join me?
You have outdone youwself..I loved Ruis's suwpwised face when he had his blindfold taken off..what a bash!!!!
Those pillows awe sooo soft(goosedown???)
I twied most of the food aweady..yummmmm! I bettew pace myself..don't want my belly too jiggly fow the dancing, hehe
smoochie kisses
Wat a great partay!
Happy birthday Ruis!
Purrs, Sukie x
What a great party it was!!! Hope you don't mind we crashed for a while!! Happy (Belated) Birthday Ruis!! Have fun, you two!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Happy Birthday to Ruis! What a wonderful party, it is good to see our friends and eat all this delicious food!
Cool party! woohoo! Happy Birthday Ruis!
Heading outside to do some horseback riding. Is anyone interested? If so meet you there in about fifteen minutes.
Wow! That was a great party. We love the door gifts :P Happy Birthday Ruis!! Let's grab more food J Kitties since all of us are well now.. hehe :)
Oh kitties surely know how to toss a party bash!!!! I can't believe the in the world did you make all of this? I'm going to get another plate and run through the buffet again! I just hope I can move when the dancin' begins...
Happiest Purrday Ever to Ruis!!!!
Gentle barks...
Is that Opus just the sweetest thing...he is the pawfect escort!
Happy Purrthday Ruis!
Happy Birthday Ruis.This is a great party and the food is delicious.
Great Party! Happy Birthday to Ruis! The bellies danced around were amazing, as was the food! Never tried lizard before... And that round cushion will be my favourite snuggle place from now on!
Purrs, Siena
Happy Birthday to Ruis from me, too! It was great getting to know you all.
(Wow, my first party...)
Purrs, Chilli
Oh what a grand party! I love it!!!
Happy Birthday Ruis!!
Ahhh.... It is nice to get out of the blasted cold and snow!!!
How about someone pass me over a lizard!!!
purrs Goldie and Banshee
Happiest of Happy (belated) Birthdays to you Ruis! It looks like you are having a great time at the party!
Happy Birthday Ruis, that is some awesome party, looks like you had a good time, a well planed one also. I wouldn't mind riding on a flying carpet.
WOOOO! What an inkredible pawtay! You guys throw the bestest pawtays! Happy, happy burfday to Ruis! And Karl, you and Ruis have a wunnerful romantick time!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and alla the Ballicai!
We hope we're not too late!!! Happy Birthday and where did you say that food is?
Happy Birfday, Ruis.
Wowie, this is some party.
I's been prakticing mine bellie dancing all day yesserday.
I's gonna go get some food, I's love all fings lizzie.
Hee hee....
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Birthday to Ruis and many, many, many mooooore!!
This is a lovely party and we brought you an original FL lizard hat Ruis!! Hope you like it!! This is a great party and thanks for inviting us!!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Birthday, Ruis! I'll bet you were really surprised! Have a wonderful day.
This is the best PAWTY I have ever been to.
Paws 'n Claws,
I loved All the Wainbow fuwwfwiends coming and singing to Ruis..I think that was the bestest pawt of the pawty so faw...magical and so touching..
I'm going to see if Sassy's howsey is still available fow a wide
Happy purthday Ruis!
Awesome party you guys! Have a magical weekend!
happy birthday ruis!!!! awesome partay!!!
i bring you some nip nip.
Surprise! Happy Birthday, Ruis :-D
Great belly dancing by every cat! I'll have to pass on that as I'm not as limber as you young ones.
What a great party. Happy Birthday Ruis.
It is so great to be all together again! Not only to see old friends, make new friends, but to briefly have a visit from our loved ones that crossed the bridge. They are always close to us in our hearts and thoughts. As a matter of fact they are always with us. But wow! Was it ever nice to see them today.
Happy Birthday Ruis...
t'was one h... of a party your friends threw.
Happy, Hoppy, Belly Dancing Purrfday dearest Ruis! Thanks for inviting me Karl and for sending that wonderful magic carpet all the way to England to fetch me! It was the most amazing ride and I felt quite safe:) I was watching a wonderful Paul Weller concert when your invitation arrived so I've brought that with me for evfurrbody to chill to when you fall down exhausted from all the dancing!!! Have a wonderful weekend away you two:) xxx
Happy Birthday to Ruis! This is an amazing party! I must get your recipe for lizard pilaf.
Party hardy I always say! Yes, that is exactly what we have been doing all the day long and into the night. Now I am so hungry again I am going to belly up to the food table and eat some of that delicious food. Then I will belly up to the bar. After I have had enough to drink I will do the belly dance again.
What a great party. Thanks so much for inviting us! Happy Birthday Ruis!!! We had a blast!
Great party everyone. The pillows are so comfy. I always like napping on pillows!
Meowza! What a party! We wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday to Ruis! Tasty food, great entertainment (Tamir has a good sized belly for belly dancing!) and a comfy pillow too! Thanks for inviting us!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh dis waz a mostee bo-dashus birf-day!!! I hopes I yam nots too late fur some ham!!!!
Looks like you all had a great time. What fun!
I am going to pick a pillow to take home with me. I, however, will not be going home with it. I am going to curl up in the corner and get some shut eye. I will camp out here just in case I might miss something.
Thanks for the great party and great day!!
What amazing pictures!!
We wanted to stop by and FANKS YOU for all your wonderful purrs that helped our daddy feel better!
-Kilroy and fambly
Happy Birthday, Ruis. This is an amazing party. It was so touching to see all the Rainbow Kitties again and hear them sing Happy Birthday to Ruis. I loved watching all the belly dancing. You cats and dogs are all quite nimble. The tea is delicious, but I will pass on the lizard.
Here I am! Did I miss anything? It seems that all that great food and belly dancing made me sleepy. I sat down on the pillows for just a second and fell asleep. Nothing like a cat nap to get you ready for more dancing!
Oh friends! It is sooo great to have you all here, celebrating Ruis birthday with us! We will keep on partying ALL day long today - so belly dance yourself out - grab more food - there is plenty more - and let's just have a gooooooood time!
The Cat Realm
Oh, we're so glad that the party is still on! We thought that we missed it. Thanks for inviting us. Happy Birthday, Ruis!
Happy Birthday Ruis! This is absolutely the all-time bestest birthday part on the blogosphere!
What a great party and it was highly entertaining to see! Happy Birthday to Ruis.
Dear, Sweet family and friends --
I was surprised and speechless! From the bottom of my heart I THANK my husband, family- and staff-in-law for this wonderful, great, beautiful surprise party!!
A BIG thank you also to all my bestest friends who helped making the surprise!
And, to all who came by and celebrated with us: Thank You!
You all made this the most unforgettable 10th birthday ever!!
Thank You. Nosekisses. Love.
ps - Late Saturday night (tonight,) after some help from a friend, the staff had finally their new isp (internet + telephone) working.
Well that was one heack of a party! I have posted some new photos today of some of things I did while I was there!
You and Ruis have a safe trip and I will see you! Er, I mean....see you when you get back!
Your Bestest Man
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