Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cycle Of Life

With heavy hearts we have to tell you that we lost our sweet Luna June 17. We did not want to spoil the Dare, so we did not post about it at the time. A neighbor had seen a coyote chasing another neighbor's cat (he survived) that day in the morning (he told us the next day) and in the afternoon Luna did not show up and hasn't been seen since...
Notty and Tintin took it pretty hard but are getting better now.

Here are the very last pictures of Luna, and the last one demonstrates why we called this post "cycle of life". As predators we cats are part of a cycle of life which mostly is a cruel one.

Luna was a vibrant, effervescent bundle of energy and we miss her lively personality a lot!

And on June 21 Dame Edna and Coco Chanel joined us. They were found abandoned, malnutritioned and hungry under a car and needed a home.... The staff thought it might help Notty and Tintin and that seems to be the case. Both have by now started to play with the kittens, and the kittens have almost doubled in weight since they came! These pictures are about 2 weeks old, we will try and get more recent ones soon.

June 21, Edna and Coco's "Gotcha Day" also was the day when last year our sweet Emil left us to go to the bridge. We miss him - his little voice and his big paws, his mischievous spirit and his compassionate heart. Edna reminds us of him - just as bow legged, hahahahahahaha!
Emil's friends gave him a wonderful
wake, and we want to post this picture today, done by Opus and Roscoe - who sadly enough also left for the bridge only three month after Emil - as a toast to Emil's glorious life, a small part of which you can see here!
You are in our hearts forever and we will always love you Emil!


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We are so sorry to hear about Luna. It's understandable for Notty and Tintin to grieve. We hope they find some comfort in their new family members.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

This post bring back memories of good friends who have left as we welcome the new cuties.

Anonymous said...

I really don't mean to be crude, but if you leave a cat outside where you know there are predators, then you open that poor creature open to being killed, sometimes in the most horrible manner.

I am sorry for your loss. I am really sorry for Luna.

Milo and Alfie said...

Oh we are so very sorry ~ our hearts are heavy too. How tragic to lose your beautiful Luna that way. Sincere condolances.
Huge smooches for Notty and Tintin - losing a much loved sibling is very hard. Even though Milo and Alfie tease each other all the time they would be heartbroken if either went to the bridge ~ so we understand.
The photos of Luna are beautiful.

How lovely that from such tragedy can come a new era where Coco and Edna can enjoy the love that Luna set in place before she left. They will help to heal the pain of Luna's loss ~ maybe she sent them to help you all.

We remember all of those who have gone before ~ they will never be forgotten. Blessings to them all.

Milo and Alfie's Mom.
Milo and Alfie send purrs and prayers.

The Creek Cats said...

We are so so very sorry about your loss of Luna. We are sending lots of comforting vibes to you all!

Freya's Staff said...

We're so very sorry to hear abut sweet Luna. I love what you've put aboutthe ccle of life though...

Hugs & purrs,


Kaz's Cats said...

We're sorry to hear about Luna, and understand that it's been especially hard for Notty and Tintin. It was a really nice way to celebrate Emil by inviting Edna and Coco to join the family. Purrs and gentle headbutts to all at the Cat Realm,


Gypsy & Tasha

Cory said...

We are so sorry for your loss, that is so sad. Purrs to you all, and welcome to the new cuties.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We're sorry to hear about Luna. *hugs and scritches*
Mom Robyn

PS. Sanjee loves her Judge goodies. I'll get more pix up later.

The Island Cats said...

Oh we are so sorry to hear about Luna....

Parker said...

My heart breaks for her...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are so sorry to hear about Luna. I am glad to hear that Coco and Edna were rescued though! Purrs.

Daisy said...

I am so sorry for the loss of the beautiful Luna.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are very sad about Luna, we knows everyone at The Cat Realm misses her very much.

Dame Edna and Coco Chanel are very cute. WELCOME to the cat blogosphere, Edna & Coco. ~S,S,C & F

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We are sorry about the lovely Luna. It must have been hard to keep it to yourself these past few weeks.

It's funny/sad 2 new kitties joined you on the anniversary of the day Emil left. It's great they are fitting in.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry about Luna! Ti hurts so much when the circle of life takes one of our beloved friends. Congratulations on the new kittens.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So sorry you lost your lovely Luna. I hope the new little sweeties bring some comfort..

Hugs GJ xx

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh my, we are so sorry for your loss! I'm sure Luna has her paws kicked back enjoying time with her friends across the bridge.

Alexi said...

We are so sorry to hear of Luna's crossing to da Bridge. Our hearts go out to you...

Alexi and da Krasota Castle crew.

curator said...

Oh!! It is so very sad to hear you have lost beautiful Luna. Please accept a big hug and some tears from all of us at rhe Museum...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are very sorry to hear about Luna. We send comforting purrs to all of you.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We are so very sorry to hear the sad news about Luna. We're sending lots of comforting purrs to your family.

It's wonderful that you have welcomed Dame Edna and Coco Chanel into your family.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thanks for coming by.

We hope you noticed our post below it. Today is Sassy's moth's birthday. We nearly forgot it, but it's on the CB now and we're hoping all her friends will go by and wish her well. Even though she abandoned Sassy on an island while she goes gallavanting with her granddaughter. :)

Just Ducky said...

Hugs and purrs to you on losing Luna. Guess that is why mum won't let me go outside, even though I don't think we have coyotes around here.

Big purrs of welcome to Coco and Edna. You got a great bunch to hang around with, lots of fun and adventures.

Anonymous said...

How sad about Luna - hope the new family memebers fill the hole in all your hearts.

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh that is just terrible news about Luna. I am so sorry for your loss.

Asta said...

I still can't wead this wifout cwying. I now it's the natoowal cycle of life..but I HATE IT..I will keep Luna in my heawt along wif all my angel fwiends
smoochie kisses

Shelly said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss of the lovely Luna. (((HUGS))) I hate that her beautiful life had to end so tragically. I lost one of my boys, Max, on July 1st to cancer.

I'm happy for that Notty and Tintin have new siblings to help heal their hearts.

Forever Foster said...

We are sorry that Luna had to go to the Bridge. It is a beautiful way to honour her and Emil by bringing two beautiful new souls into your home and hearts.

Ramses said...

This is sad and lovely news all rolled into one... While we are sorry for Luna's loss, we are glad that Coco and Edna have a new home with you all! It looks like our Unca' Pete's kitty Jordan will be joining Luna soon over the Bridge and to help do something positive at this time we are doing our best to help raise awareness of the plight of the Scottish Wildcat, very much a part of the circle of life in the highlands, but sadly very low in numbers now...


Lacy said...

w00fs, me sooo sorry to hear bout Luna..me comed to say me wuz sorry b4, but me puter wuz being bad...and we just now got back.its hard to find good help..the 2 little kittys iz very cute, do they likes to play chase..RIP Luna, run with the wind..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should keep the cats inside.So these tragedy's stop.

The Cat Realm said...

Perhaps you should not post anonymous so we'd have a chance to answer to your comment.

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwww...that is so sad about Luna!! We will miss her!! Mom use to live in Oracle (near Tucson) in Arizona and she understands the cycle of life! Purrrs for Notty & Tintin and welcome Coco and Edna!!
Your FL furiends,

Ariel said...

So sorry to hear about Luna. I send my hugs and deepest condolence.

Ariel said...

My photo is gone now cause I got rid of my blog.Yet I still want to stay close to my friends who I love...Hugs

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Dear Karl and all of our friends at the Cat Realm,
I have been such a bad blogger. Poor Opus and Olive have been wanting to get on the computer, but I have been too busy doing other things. I promised them today that I would sit down and get caught up.

This post brought tears to my eyes. To see the last photos of sweet Luna, the photo of our little Emil with Roscoe's tiny paw toasting him. The cycle of life can be so very mean, but I hope the good memories will always out number the bad.

To think that Luna had Anastasia, Emil and Roscoe all waiting for her makes my heart a little less heavy. And I do think that the kittens might just have been a gift from Emil so that you wouldn't be sad on the anniversary of his passing.

Much love to you all,
Cyn (Opus and Olive too)

Cat with a Garden said...

We didn't know that you lost dear Luna. Please accept our late condolences.
And hi to the new girls.