"It is common knowledge that "cats in boxes" go together, like cookies & cream, nip & tini, soft purrs & belly-rubs!" So MAGGY (Zoolatry) & ROMEO (Peggy's Place) officially declared Friday, June 19, 2009 INTERNATIONAL BOX DAY. No prizes, no awards, just a box full 'o fun!
With purple glasses in a BOX :)
Fantastic !!
Happy boxday =^.^=
Wonderful Ms. Oz!!!!
Matching well!
Where are you posting yourself too? ~S,S,C & F
Looking good!
best international box day ever.
purrs and love
Hey--leave it to you to travel the world in a box too!
We think the shades go well with the box.
Good choice, Mrs. Oz. White to match your coat.
Love the purple shades, Mrs. Oz. Of course purple is my color!
Oh man! A tight fit there, dontcha think, Mrs. Oz???
Great box shot!!
Happy Box Day to all of you!
Mrs. Oz, you are a First Class cat in a box!
I'm going to go look fow a box..maybe I'll find a bootiful kitty
smoochie kisses
Oh look at the cool cat that came priority mail. Looks like it was a tight fit though. (Pardon the pun Mrs. Oz) At least she got to her destination.
Lovely picture of Ms Oz. A very Happy International Box Day to you guys. Can't wait for the upcoming dare..
Ms. Oz, that looks like a great box to use today. Did you get something good in it?
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy IBD!!
Ooh, I bet I could get Iza stuck in THAT box! I might even hafta jump on her to push her into it good an tight...
Happy IBD!
Belated happy IBD!
You must have a good agent! You have had the last two post all about you, great photos!
Love all of you at your place!!! Sending you all hugs!!!
Pretty cool Box Ms. Oz and we love the purple shades!! Happy International Box Day!!
Your FL furiends,
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