Happy Valentine to everybody!
Valentine's Day is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other but we decided to stretch the definition a bit and make it a day where we celebrate our closest friendships.
And what better way to do this than with an adventure trip! We booked rooms at the Castello San Marco near Taormina in Sicily and as there were so many of us Opus had to fly us down in the Magic Flying Van in two trips!Here you see the first group (Stella, Stanley, Asta, Lacie, Charbybdis, Momo, Socks, Scylla) waiting for the arrival of the second (Ruis, Karl, Opus and Sassy), who were working at the Little Production Studios late.
picture by Sassy
We gathered in the impressive entry hall which was all decorated for Valentine!
Charybdis, Scylla, Sassy, Lacie, Opus, Momo, Socks Karl, Ruis, Stanley, Asta
picture by Asta
Then we just relaxed a bit. Here are Momo, Sassy and Asta in their fabulous room.
picture by Asta
And we decided to hang out by the pool for a while.
To ensure a quiet lunch with just the two of us Ruis and I had gotten tickets for all the others for a surprise trip to Mount Etna!

They found Sassy very close to the lava flow high up on Mount Etna and all got back safely in time for a little excursion through Taormina where we joined them again after our romantic lunch just for the two of us!
Here we are all together again at the theater in Taormina.
The evening we spent at the castle, having a wonderful Valentine's Party!
picture by Asta HAPPY VALENTINE!!!
It sounds like a wonderful trip. We hope y'all had a great time.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy Valentine's Day! That looks like a trip to remember! :)
Happy Valentines Day and thank you so much for arranging the tickets for the sightseeing tour. We had the most fun climbing around Mt Etna. Too bad you and Ruis couldn't come with us. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Happy Valentines Day. ~Fenris
Hi Boyz
I'm having such a gweat time..Stanley and I snucked off fow a while too..wasn't that cake delish???
You wewe pwetty sneacky wif that twip you sent us on, hehehe, I'm just glad Sassy got back in one piece
smoochie kisses
That looked like a lot of fun!
Happy Valentines day to you all.
Purrs, Sukie x
What a great trip! Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Wow! That looks like an amazing trip!
Happy Valentines day to you guys, too! Looks like you had a lot of fun!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Valentine's Day to you at home at The Cat Realm!
We are having a great time in Sicily and Karl and I had a very romantic afternoon together! We bought cute teddy bears and Karl found a very special one in one of the shops, hahahaha.
And now we all are waiting for Opus' mystery valentine.....
Hi Evewyone at the cat wealm!!
I hope you'we having as much fun as we awe in sicily...Karl and Ruis awe the most womantic couple..a weal inspiwation fow Stanley and me
love and smoochie kisses
Happy Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day, looks like you had a wonderful time on your trip, you sneaky but very romantic kitties :)
Miz Mog and Meowza
That looks like a fun Trip! Happy Valentines day!
What an amazing trip! I think you're right, that Valentine's Day is definitely a day to celebrate ALL special friendships.
What a party! WHAT A PARTY! Asta sure know how to put a good one on. It was so much fun all being together again! I can not help but notice you are Ruis didn't go with us to the lava thingie, you two will do anything to get alone time won't you, ha, ha, ha. Almost got lost I did but found my way back. Love to you on Valentine's!
Looks like it was a blast! Happy Valentines!
Buon san valentino! I am late, but what can you do? HUMANS! The photo is up! You are gonna laugh when you see it! hehehehe! Didn't have as much time to post as much as I would have liked. Will work on it some more tomorrow (and make a better photo) but at least the mystery date now has a face and name! Hehehehhe!
Much love,
Opus, your bestestman
That was a wonderful Valentine's adventure all of you had :-D
What a terrific way to celebrate Valentine's Day! We felt like we were right there with you! (And, YIKES, we're glad they got Sassy away from that lava!)
What a great trip - I miss going on all of those great adventures with you all, but I am getting old and move a bit slowly for the fast gang (too slowly, I fear, as some of them don't stop by to see me anymore). Happy belated Valentine's Day, though, Karl and Ruis and Tintin! As Always, you look to have been the coolest cats in the neighbourhood on your Sicilian adventure!
licks & slobbers
What a nice twip you guys had!
coming around to say 'mieow' and see if I am finally allowed to leave comments :)
Looks like ya all hadda fablous Valentine trip!
Oh wowie, what a fabyoolus adventure! Looks like you hadded a great Valentine's Day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh Karl I am soooo happy to see you tomorrow again!!! It is now really just the two of us! All Dutch borders are closed for flying vans, hahahaha.
I'll send you the exact time by email.
Love, (((hugs))) & nosekisses to you, my love.
~ Your Ruis
PS - I posted the last photos when the cat realm and our friends where in Limburg. Buzzer is glad everbody is to their own home, hahaha.
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