All Gone Away...
As the maid decided to totally desert us and go spend some time with Dicky Duck in Costa Rica we all accepted Ruis invitation to spend some days with him and the In-Laws in Limburg.The maid and the butler saw us off, the maid will leave tomorrow and the butler claims he will enjoy the quiet. But we know he will miss us all!!!
Please check at KaTteEnPrAaT's CaTWaLk to see what we are up to!
I want to let you know that we all arrived safely!
Have a wonderful vacation and don't worry about us.
Headbutts and (((hugs))) to you and the butler
I hope they get home soon to serve you. I hate being without my people.
I'm suwe they will miss you tewwibly, but I know all of you will have the bestest time!
happy vacations
love and smoochie kisses
Enjoy your vacation! We hope you can get some serious relaxing time in.
I would miss you furry friends, you look so cute.
They will miss you. So will we. Have a wonderful vacation with Ruis.
Miz Mog and Meowza
Slep, nap, nap, sleep, play, eat...
It's party time!
Have a good trip, everybody! I hope your butler doesn't get too lonely.
Are you sure you have enough luggage? See yiou over at Ruis's!
I hope you're having a wonderful time!
I'm sure the butler *is missing you!
Hi Guys - hope you're having a good time in Limburg - my human has friends who moved there from Heidelberg, so it must be a great place! When you get back, I've got an award for you! Enjoy your trip and stay healthy!
I'm having a contest please go to my blog and see :)
I bet things are pretty quiet at The Cat Realm, cannot say the same about Ruis's place, ha, ha, ha.
Great being all together again. You really didn't think you would have total alone time with Ruis now did you??
Just wanted to stop in a let you all know how much I miss you. good thing you are all on holiday cause my human isn't giving me ANY computer time!
See you when you get back!
Kitty kisses from Italy,
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