As the maid decided to totally desert us and go spend some time with Dicky Duck in Costa Rica we all accepted Ruis invitation to spend some days with him and the In-Laws in Limburg.The maid and the butler saw us off, the maid will leave tomorrow and the butler claims he will enjoy the quiet. But we know he will miss us all!!!
Please check at KaTteEnPrAaT's CaTWaLk to see what we are up to!
Here is the REAL winner of this contest.
Thank you Skeezix for the graphic!
Sassy has a post up which is dedicated to our sweet Emil, the first paparazzi photographer of the CCSI shows.
"Someone" tried to step into his paws, and with great success, check out the wonderful 'behind the scenes' pictures at Sassy's blog! Here is just one example: