I am Naughty, 7 month old and live up to my name and my little sister Luna is 2 month old and drives the maid crazy because she is an ADHD kitten and NOT litter box trained......
We heard that The Cat Realm is participating in a contest - so we want to help as they are so nice to us: please go and vote for them!
To vote, go here to register - it's easy and free.
View poll results and vote here.
Karl supervises me when I am outside - I already caught and ate a mouse!!! Tintin is just checking if Karl needs help.

Thank you for your attention, your Naughty.
Naughty, what an inauspicious name. I suppose as cute as you are at some point you will have to live down to it. You have my applause when you do.
Just look at all that ginger-ness! Your house guests look very cute, even if they are a big naughty!
Naughty is as naughty does...
What a great couple of house guests! It's so nice of you to kitty-sit!
What good cats you all are to take in Naughty and Luna. I hope their human is soon well enough to come home.
Whicky Wuudler
Hi Luna and Naughty! There's a lot of orangey cuteness going on with you two!
Great name! Looks like a party at your place. I bet you are having a great time. It is nice that you could help out the butler's friend. You all seem to be sharing pretty good.
So much ginger awesomeness at your house right now, buddies! I'm sure Luna will figure out latrine protocol quickly with you guys are her mentors.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I DID IT! I DID IT!!!!!! Moth said if you were not such a good friend of mine she would have given up a long time ago to vote for you but she is stubborn and kept up with it today.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just increased your percentage in the voting!!!!!! You are still ahead!!!!
You got some cute house guests!
That is very nice of the maid and butler to take care of you while your beans is not feeling well.
w00f's cat realm, me iz gonna go back and try again to vote...nice of them to take u kittys in..while u pawents iz sick..
b safe,
Your houseguests are so cute. Hope their human gets well soon. Thanks for purring for me. I am getting a little better but not well enough to be let loose.
So sweet of you to take in kitties,
Naughty or not!!! ha ha
you guys are great help! :) And NAUGHTY? what did you do to get that name?!
Awww your both so cute and the Cat Realm so sweet to help :)
What will happen next??? My mouthee iz hangin' open, I can tellz you dat. A kitten too?
Oh, what lovely ginger house guests you have!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Naughty and Luna, what cute gingers you both are!! Love the name!
It is nice to meet you two. We're sorry your bean is in the hospital, but you picked a great place to stay!
It is very nice to meet you Naughty and Luna. Hope your bean gets better soon, we are sure you miss him. ~S,S & C
Oh wowie, what adorabble house guests you have! I bet you're all havin a lot of funsies. And I love bein naughty. Momma says that for such a sweet little feller, I'm the bestest kitty she's efur known for coming up with new ways to be naughty, hehehehehehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a lot of ginger all in one place! You look like terrific house guests, Naughty & Luna! Have fun at The Cat Realm!
You two sure are beautiful cats! If the human doesn't give me more computer time, I might just come over and stay with all of you! Looking forward to knowing you better.
Furry cute house guests!!! Thanks so much for your thoughts and purrs during this sad time. Caddy Caddy is missed furry much!
~The Creek Cats and Maggie May~
Karl, it's gingertastic at your house! FAZ
Oh how cute they are!! So much gingerness!
Happy Thanksgiving All!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
sooo cute!!!
Oh, how cute. We missed this post. It was right after our computer went into ICU for several week.
That's so neat how they're all getting along.
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