Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Visitor

A while ago we had the strangest adventure ever and today we want to tell you about it.
We were outside, greeting the new day, when all of a sudden something appeared in the sky.

Unfortunately the landing didn't go smoothly and the thing got tangled up in our cactus.

We ran over to see what it was - and by then the parachutist had freed himself.

He introduced himself and said that he was with the 13th airborne brigade of rabbit reconnaissance checking for new salad fields. And from the air he mistook our nip for salad, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. His name is Ronaldo.
Mrs. OZ offered a cup of hot tea...

...but Ronaldo declined and said he will just call his brigade to pick him up and asked if he could wait inside for them. So I invited him in to my day hangout on the butler's work table, where he tried some nip (and decided to stick with salad) ...

... and we talked a bit about traveling -

- and while we waited for his brigade to pick him up we exchanged email addresses so we can keep in contact.

It just shows to tell you - you never know what might fall out of the sky, sometimes it might be a new friend!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends, old and new, past and future, close and afar.
Thank you for your friendship and the joy you bring into our lives!

Friday, November 21, 2008

House Guests

We are Naughty and Luna, our help is a friend of The Cat Realm's butler and he had to go to the hospital for a month so The Cat Realm was nice enough to take us in!
I am Naughty, 7 month old and live up to my name and my little sister Luna is 2 month old and drives the maid crazy because she is an ADHD kitten and NOT litter box trained......

We heard that The Cat Realm is participating in a contest - so we want to help as they are so nice to us: please go and vote for them!

To vote, go
here to register - it's easy and free.
View poll results and vote

Karl supervises me when I am outside - I already caught and ate a mouse!!! Tintin is just checking if Karl needs help.

Tintin supervises us inside, he adores Luna!

And Mrs. OZ is in charge in the kitchen.... Karl eats downstairs at the butler's place - he can only take so much of us three ginger cats...

...but he does let Luna cuddle with him!

And here we are, trying our paws on the blogging at the butler's computer.... order to produce more posts for later!
Thank you for your attention,
your Naughty.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Coming Soon!

A new CCSI episode is in the making! Get all the details at Chief Executive Sassy's blog.
Little Productions has been busy and the new show is written, the cast has been chosen and already been outfitted by our fabulous Fashion and Costume Designer Asta.
Now our most talented director Opus will put the last touches on the show and guide the actors through outstanding performances! Look out for announcements as our marketing strategist Momo was also very busy!
Here we are all at the Studios, getting ready for the show: 
Karl, Ruis, Sassy, Opus, Asta and Momo

picture by Sassy

And our very own Tintin has his first acting part as Paul Junior and is VERY excited about it!

picture by Sassy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thank You So Much

Thank you all so much! We know the contest is not over yet (so please go here to register - and then vote for us here) and we might not win it - BUT: we feel like the biggest winners already because we have such wonderful and supportive friends like you!
Please accept our "Valued Friend Award" and lots of kisses from us.

And now that we don't have to cry anymore Karl actually got some work done for the new CCSI show which is coming up soon! Here he is on a Skype session with fellow executives Ruis, Opus and Sassy.

picture idea by Opus

Come back tomorrow to find out more!

Monday, November 17, 2008

We Would Appreciate Some Support.....

We are very proud and honored to announce that we were chosen to be among the first five blogs for the first Blog of the Month Contest at The Cat Site!
Our very dear friends
The Ballici were chosen too! How exciting is that!!! The other contestants are Goma, Rescue, and Harry.

The not so exciting part is that NO ONE voted for us so far
. Not that we want to necessarily WIN but a CLOSE call would be nice.
Like: Winner 100 votes, The Cat Realm 97 votes.

Not 0 - as in: zero! - votes...
+++ Breaking News: Thanks to you we are getting votes!!!! +++

To vote, go here to register - it's easy and free.
View poll results and vote

Saturday, November 15, 2008

And Again: Trying To Catch Up....

We got so many awards - if we aren't really careful we could become a bit conceited about it....
No, don't worry, we won't! But please, address us as "Most Honorable" and fall to your knees next time we meet. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!
We will give every award only to one cat/dog, and just for this time keep it in the family actually.

Our good dog friend
Charlie gave us the "I love your blog" award.
And we hand it on to our bestest man Opus.

Camie's Kitties, Toulouse and Fin handed out the "Butterfly Award" to us.
This goes to our friend

Sweet Ariel gave the "VIP" (Very Important Princess) award to our Mrs. OZ.
And she gives this to

From Karen Joe we got this "I love your blog" award.
And we give it to

Pearl, Bert and Jake gave the "Sharing The Love" award to us and Isis gave it to Karl.
We will give this to Karl's In-Laws at

Gizmo gave us the "Brillante Weblog, Premio 2008" award
and we pass this on to the 'bestest' and biggest family we ever had, the
Cat Blogosphere.

And Socks, Scylla and Charybdis honored us with this
and we give it to all of you because you are all family and we love you all!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Accepting Some Dares....

We decided to try some of the Dares ourselves. Here we go:

Fiona Bun
I dare you all to post a baby picture of you and your human slave(s)!

the maid on the left, our first picture of Tintin on the right

Colby and Cheddar, The Cheezits
We dare you all to get your humans to meet other animal’s humans that they haven't ever met to meet IN REAL LIFE! Of course, they should be in the same State, and the more of your humans that get together the better!

When the maid was in New York last time, she visited Asta's Mom.
Again the maid on the left, Asta in the middle and Asta's Mom on the right.

I dare you all to catch a mouse or other intruder in your home and show a picture of you and it together!

Even without upper canines Mrs. OZ managed to get this hummingbird
which was dumb enough to fly into the house...

I dare all you mancats to dress up like girls and have your photos taken for all to see!

You might remember that Ruis and I already
did this Dare
on our safari with the CCSI executives...

I dare you all to be different!

What it would be like to be a different-kind-of-cat (animal)-for-a-day. You don't have to use photoshop to participate, maybe the background in your picture, or your words can tell the story...

Tintin wanted to give this one a try...

Karen Jo
I dare you all (animals and humans) to post a picture of yourself in a hat!
It can be real or photoshopped, but real is preferable.

And Mrs. OZ could of course not resist this one.
Sorry Karen Jo, but we only do photoshop dress up

Samantha and Mr. Tigger
I dare you all to make a self-Doodle portrait of yourself. It can be in any form abstract, cartoon, drawing, a picture you have taken with a camera and add doodles to it! Any form works!

This is not so much a doodle but a drawing.
And it is not of myself but of my sweet Anastasia.

But I really wanted to show it and hope it counts...

Thank you everyone who participated for some wonderful Dares and some great acceptances!
We will Dare you again next year, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Your Karl

Friday, November 7, 2008

I Dare You All # 4, Part 3

Remember: on August 21 I dared you all to come up with a Dare of your own!
Mr. Chen's Dare won "Best Dare" - but it was a tough decision for the judges and you will see why because here is the list of ALL entries! They are listed in the order they were received.
And it is a long list....
And I Dare You to do AS MANY AS YOU CAN OR WANT!!!!
Leave you name and blog in the Mr. Linky box if you accept!

Miss Peach
I dare you all to cuddle up together and sleep in a tight kitty ball!

Orlando Bun
I dare you all to write or adjust a song for somebunny special!

Fiona Bun
I dare you all to post a baby picture of you and your human slave(s)!

Sophia the diva kitty
I dare you all to Adopt a charity!

You can contact a charity and see if there is one small thing you can do to support them like... writing an article for their web site, listing their charity with search engines or, going in to work for an afternoon, bake something for a bake sale they may be having...

Brownie hamster
I dare you all to dress as a jungle animal (even humans)!

Colby and Cheddar, The Cheezits
We dare you all to get your humans to meet other animal’s humans that they haven't ever met to meet IN REAL LIFE! Of course, they should be in the same State, and the more of your humans that get together the better!

I dare you all to catch a mouse or other intruder in your home and show a picture of you and it together!

Tinker, Toy, Cherokee, Setzer, Tang, Tyco
We dare you all to show your dream!

Each kitty shows what they dream of doing like being a sailor or an explorer....

I dare you all to eat sweetcorn!

I dare you all to hang off of or sit on your human's butt!

I dare you all to climb as high as you can, higher than you have before!

I dare you all to sniff a woofie's butt!

I dare you all to stand in water!

Katiez Furry Mews
I dare you all to dress up like a famous person and make either a movie commercial about your favorite furry organization that helps animals, especially cats and dogs… or take a photo in your famous costume and make a poster promoting your favorite organization!
If you are a dog or cat that likes to dress up, dress up with your human!!

I dare all you mancats to dress up like girls and have your photos taken for all to see!

I dare you all to show off your climbing skills, the object of the exercise is to look as much like a squirrel or chipmunk as possible!

I dare you all to dress up as your favorite movie star or entertainment person!

Alex, Zander, Wikipedia
We dare you all to befriend a dog (cat if you are a dog) and trade places with him for a day!

I dare you all to show us the funniest ears possible ever before seen on a feline or NOMSF!

Maya and Kena
We dare you all to take part in helping prevent global warming (even by making tiny changes) by planting a seed of any species of plant, naming it, and watching it grow while posting the progress on your blog!

Criz Lai
I dare you all to take a photo of the whole family - beans and cats (animals) all together!

I dare you all to show yourself in a more or less tipsy state!

Socks, Scylla, Charybdis
We dare you all to write a song/a parody of a song and then – optional - create a music video!

I dare you all to be an authentic dominator!
Show us several photos of your face with a more dominant look to prove that we can dominate the world with only a look.

I dare you all to find a girlfriend for me!

Kilroy the love beastie
I dare you all to hold a "secret friend" event.

First: hold a random drawing so everyone gets a secret friend.

Second: everyone has to find something special or unusual about their secret friend through their blogs.

Third: everyone has to make a post about that special or unusual trait about their secret friend. They can make a tribute, such as trying the same thing as what they like, or taking pictures of something they like. Point out how special their secret friend is.

Fourth: each person must let their secret friend know when they've made the post, thus revealing who drew their name.

I dare you all to trade blogs for a day with another blogger!

I dare you all to come up with a great campaign slogan/graphic for the Chey/Derby campaign that can be used on all their fund raising and blog linking badges!
The Winds of Cheynge and all!!!!

I dare all of our staff to pledge to either volunteer two hours of their time or donate $50 to the animal charity/rescue group/shelter of their choice!

I dare you all to show the silliest sleep position a cat (animal) can get!

I dare you all to show the ankles/hands you most like to bite… err, nibble.

I dare you all to make a LOL -cat or -dog (or -whatever) picture, starring yourself!
(like at

I dare you all to break into Buckingham Palace and steal some fillet steak from the kitchen! Whilst you are at it, try grabbing a few of the following: The Crown Jewels, Pictures of Henry VIII, Some human slaves.

I dare you all to be different!

What it would be like to be a different-kind-of-cat (animal)-for-a-day. You don't have to use photoshop to participate, maybe the background in your picture, or your words can tell the story...

Roxy and Lucky
I dare all the humans to Do Something New!

Take a belly dancing class. Learn how to knit or sew. Try driving a scooter. Take a karate class. Just try something new!

I dare you all to share your favorite food with someone!

Pearl, Bert and Jake
I dare you all to make your human do some crazy yoga pose, or stand on their head or something funny like that. Plus a kitty has to be in the picture too!

Momo (the cat)
I dare you all to contribute to a furry charitable organization, either by doing voluntary work or donation, in the next month and display the name of organization on your belly in a picture to be posted in your blog!

I dare you all to toilet paper your own house, cat bed, cat tree or other area and take a photo to post on your blog!

Sophia (Chen & Ollie)
I dare you all to "adopt" a new blurpy brother or sister (bean or non-bean) and post a photo of it on your blog!

Mommy (Chen & Ollie)
I dare you all to have a global pillow fight and post a photo of yourself with pillows virtually "fighting" another cat (animal) somewhere else in the world!

Daddy (Chen & Ollie)
I dare you all to come up with the most wacky political ad (with a slogan and graphic) for your candidate of choice this November and post a picture of it on your blog!

Karen Jo
I dare you all (animals and humans) to post a picture of yourself in a hat!

It can be real or photoshopped, but real is preferable.

Goldie and Shade
I dare you all to reveal your most gaudy cat object!

I dare you all to do an 'Aussie' blog post, lots of stereotypical Aussie colloquialisms... maybe you could even dress up as your favourite Aussie celebrity (real or fictional) like Crocodile Dundee or Steve Irwin or Nicole Kidman or whoever you like! Aussie! Aussie Aussie!

Munchkin Hendriks

I dare you all to sit in your human’s plate next time they try to eat!

Samantha and Mr. Tigger
I dare you all to make a self-Doodle portrait of yourself. It can be in any form abstract, cartoon, drawing, a picture you have taken with a camera and add doodles to it! Any form works!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Brunch in New York

After the fabulous Halloween party in New York we decided to take Asta and her friend Lacie out for brunch at Asta's favorite restaurant Pastis . We had forgotten to bring a change of clothes so we are still in our costumes, hahahahahahahaha! And the reason we only post this today is that we only got the pictures from Sassy today....
The boys (
Opus, Karl, Ruis, Tintin) picked Asta and Lacie up at Asta's home...

picture by Sassy

...while the girls (Mrs. OZ, Sassy, Momo) waited at the restaurant.

picture by Sassy

Then the girls got into the niptinis and the guys took off for a shopping spree on Fifth Avenue at the Apple Store and they brought us all ipods. Tintin also purchased a hat.

picture by Sassy

With dusk approaching we finally hopped on the MFV again for our trip home so we can all post our peace globe tomorrow, November 6!

picture by Sassy

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Go And Vote!

+++ Late Breaking +++
The November Blog of the Month Contest
at The Cat Site is up!

No matter where you stand within the political spectrum: go and vote!

And no matter how the election will turn out: let's keep the dialogue going and talk to each other so we understand where we are coming from and will be able to find the common ground!

It is time to unite, not divide!

That said - here are our election pictures:

You can also find us at Cats for Obama '08.