Our staff was useless. Granted, they do all kinds of things to save the environment: recycle, plan errands so you don't have to drive again and again for every little bit (sorry, no public transportation where we live), turn the water off when brushing their teeth, wear warm clothes inside the house in the winter so they save on heating, bring their re-usable bags to the supermarket, blablablabla - BORING.
So Mrs. OZ came up with a creative concept. She says she saves the environment by pretty much staying indoors. How does that work, you might ask. And here comes the creative part: She says 'environment' = surrounding wildlife which she saves by not hunting it. That cat is twisted, I tell you! I am not sure if it counts, though....

I do all my errands on paws (no emissions wasted)
I don't take showers or baths (no water wasted)
I sleep most of the day and all night (no energy wasted)
I recycle (no rat is ever wasted, I use them again and again. And again if the staff wouldn't interfere)
I use solar and wind energy (the former by heating myself up nicely in sunspots, the latter by getting totally energized when it is windy)
Oh my gosh - I am SOOOOO green!!!!

P.S. if you accepted Mr. Chen's Dare to save the environment you can pick up an acceptance button for your blog here in the sidebar!
those are very creative ways to save the environment, especially Ms Oz. I wish I could teach O'Reilly that one. We're still thinking of an idea beyond the norm recycling, etc that we already do. We really like the dare you contest!
Hahahahaha!!!! Karl,you are indeed green :)
That will keep our planet safe!!!
Purrs Mickey
Hahaha ! you should become leader of the green party !
You are really really green!!!
Ms Oz... you've definitely got it all together... and
p.s., you're gorgeous in green.
we love the green kitty.
-wlk crew.
I think you've taken the going green thing a bit far. With all us kitties do it can only be a matter of time before the planet is saved.
Wow, thats an impressif list of gween fings to do. I do all the fings you do, like recycle my mouses, do my 'business' owtside and so on. I nefer thought of it before but I am a champion enviromentalist !!
LOL You are green!
That's a lot of good things to save the environment! I am pretty sure that cats can save the world.
You did a great job accepting the dare, and Karl you look great green.
Like Tintin we do most of our business outside. ~S,S & C
We gave you the Premium Dardos award. ~S,S & C
That is kwite the shade of green!
Thanks for purring for our mom. She is home and doing bedder but still has a few weeks beforr she is all done with this not so fun stuff. We appreseeate your thots!
Excellent ideas. But since our keeper is an urbanite, we insist he walk, or when he has to bring back heavy objects, drive his Prius (yes, he's had one since '02). So we're still working on him but trying to make progress.
Great work, Karl! I always thought that that "save the environment" stuff applied to humans only; I fancied myself as part of the environment that they wish to try to save. THerefore, i think that if we get rid of them, we'd be doing the world a service - but then, who would FEED us? I mean, we'd have to get our OWN food - and eat it RAW! forget everything I just said - you go on and save the world - Go Karl!!!
You did great! Mom says we will try to participate in the next dare when she isn't out of town so much and can help me out.
You are great green kitties! I recycle but I can't think of a fun and creative way of doing more, though I have an idea about recycling some blankets and stuff. Green is so your colour Karl:) xxx
ACK! I haven't posted my dare. I'm late! It's all mom's fault and her painting. Can I still do it? It's not my fault. It's not, I tell you!
Karl, you are! The others do pretty good, but you have them beat paws down!!
You did a great job with the Dare. We had ideas on what to post, but of course never went through with it. Talk about the utmost in lazy! (Hey, being lazy is conserving energy!!!)
Hey Karl, you are one GREEN cat. There is no doubt about that!!!!! Mrs Oz can improve by going outdoors ONLY to do her business.
Oh sweetheart, you are the greenest mancat I know!! And one of my favorite things with you is always taking a bath together...
For a young boycat, I think Tintin is really doing a good job...er, business, by doing it outside!
And Mrs. Oz... hmm..., are you sure she is a cat?? Hahahahahaha.
Love & Hugs
Your husband
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