And what a good idea it was to bring my camera along because not all that happened made it into their post, oh no!
Did they tell you that Karl and Ruis tried to steal the roasted lizard and eat it all by themselves? I suspect Karl talked Ruis into it....

And how Mrs. OZ almost drowned because she has NO idea of how to use a surfboard? But tried it anyways...

And then the embarrassing moment when the 'adult' entertainment was to start - a male kahiko dancer was expected - but they had hired a HUMAN instead of a cat....

And then there are my future in-laws. Here is one of them. Disgusting. What has Karl gotten us into???

Well, that must have been Sooooome party!
In memory of Bonnie Underfoot, we send {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you from all of us at JFF.
Quite a Party! Looks like we managed ta miss anofer good one...
ha ha ha! It was a lot of fun and when there is a lot of fun, there is usually a lot of other stuff going on too ;O)
To funny, I think Emil works for that stupid National Enquirer thingie newspaper. We will have to have a metal scanner to make sure no cameras get into the next party.
In memory of Bonnie Underfoot we send you our hugs.
Sassy & Momo
Oh NO! I think that's me! What will the press say about me watching a naked HUMAN male (not that they would care if I watched a naked male cat...)!?
But it was a grand party.
That was quite a party. Maybe next time I will succeed in getting Lucky on a surfboard. Your future in laws will forgive you, that's what happens at bachelor parties.
Roxy & Lucky
No, Sassy, I don't see you. But... I was wondering why the other paparazzi pictures of Emil never come public and my family does?? Hahahahahahahaha
Oh, darn, I missed the luau. I will be very sure not to miss the wedding reception. {{{Hugs}}} in memory of Bonnie from me to all of you.
Oh Emil, you made us laugh so hard this morning! Sorry about the whole male HUMAN dancer. At least he wasn't as gross as the one Roscoe almost hired. Although, THAT guys (the fat one in the grass skirt) did crash our party. Did you see him there? Looks close at the first photo with EVERYONE in it (at the entrance of the luau). See him yet? He is there!
Thanks for the funny photos! Our human is off on another one of her trips. We have decided to stay on the island till she comes back on Friday. If you need us, you will find us there...on the beach, under an umbrealla, napping.....
Don't worry, we will be back on Friday in time for the wedding!
Kitty kisses from the island,
Your Bestest Men
What a Party!!!!!!!!
in honor of Bonnie
we are sending ((((HUGS)))
brandi, Fraxie, and little Maxie
I am so sorry we missed the big party!
Stoopid Mommy!
Here's a big hug anyway!
I am smiling and laughing and it is great fun~!!!!
What a wonderful time!!!
Hahahahaha! The best parties are always ones were crazy and wacky things happen!
Hahaha! That was priceless! Looks like everyone still had a great time.
((((HUGS)))) to you guyses!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you all. What a great party! Thanks for ALL the photos. My computer has been down and my SMS couldn't use work computer to help me blog or look at cat photos. Now she has a knee injury and has to rest. Hahahaha - I get blogging time, whoopeeeee!
Wasn't the human dancer embarrassing. Humans look dreadful without clothes (snicker).
We had a blast at your bachelor party and are looking forward to your wedding. Thanks for helping us find outfits. Our Mother is useless, not sure why we keep her around. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Oh my goodness! It looks like yoo are where owr humans went! Geez I hope dat wuzn't one of owr humans - bwhahahaha! Wait. No. Dey went to Rrrruba in da Carrybean. Phew. Dat wuz a close one. Dey might haf seen dat I wuz dare and not at home. Boy it wuz worth da fun we had tho wuzn't it?
Getting ready for the big wedding and I am wearing my space party outfit. Will keep it on all this week in honor of your upcoming marriage to Ruis.
I'm so glad the west of the film wa lost..cause I happen to know that this was not the wowst of it, hehehe
gweat pawty
smoochie kisses
Great pics all! I love seeing Gucci being the goofy kitty that he is.
I'm here to apologize for my housemate Tigmut'hep's usual poor behaviour at the party... It's just when faced with a choice between 'niptini or a Long Island Iced 'nip Tea, he was over come by indecision, hence the reason for him drinking the lot! He's sorry for his attempts at hula dancing on the table, as well as that dive he took into the middle of the buffet and his attempts to eat his way out of it, followed by showing everyone his bare belly! We keep telling him to stop licking it so much and let the furs grow back and if he can't do that to have the dignity to keep it covered up at all times, but he's such a show off when he has that many 'niptini's in him not to mention the iced 'nip tea!
I thought you two might appreciate the fact that we've sent him off to rehab for a week or so until his managed to dry himself out at least! ;) Though no doubt he'll find another way of embarrassing himself again soon...
I am currently looking into getting him committed, but My Mummy says D'boy would miss him too much...
WOWSIE.....THAT PARTY MUST HAVE BEEN A DOOSY!!! Great behind the scenes photos!!!
Happy Memorial Day!
For Our Troops:
Yikes!.... Oww, you guys having so much hillarious funtaztic moments;)
The bachelor party sounds like it was great fun!!! Lots of partying and good times all around. And taking place on that huge length of sand. How convenient!
Ahhhh - darn our mombean. We missed it!! All because she had to take our blurpy thing to the zoo instead. Ridiculous. We're so sorry we missed it - sounds like it was quite an event! Big ..: hugs :.. from us to you!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Lol...Great Photos :)
That has to be the best party we've ever been to. We tried the surfing and it was great. We have to say we were better at it than Mrs.Oz
(((hugs))) furrom us to you.
It's us again. We all will be together over the next few days, as the moms and ss is busy with things. We thought if we stuck together we could still see our friends.
If you need any last minute help with the wedding please let us know.
Hugs to you two!
Roscoe, Sassy, Momo & Opus
Uh oh! :) Too funny!
Wow Emil, you're a great paparazzi! Good shots. Looks like it was a great bash!
Wow! That was a WILD bachelors' party!!!
Emil, you are an amazing paparazzo! Those shots are soo funny!
Wow, it looks like this was a fabulous party.
We are sorry we have missed it, but are we still invited for the big wedding? We will write it also in big and fat letters into our calendar to not forget... you know we are Egyptians without time management :-)
What a really cool party!
These photos put smile on my face, thanks )))
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