Only two - 2 ! - more days until the big day. The wedding will start at Ruis and my joint blog on May 29 with general preparations and the arrival of the guests. We are expecting 51 cats and dogs on Voyager and hopefully hundreds more at the blog. May 30 will be the BIG wedding post.
We promise - you will have never seen anything like it before!
And we are greedy - we want presents!!! We are registered at Moki's, so please go over there and leave your gift at his Karl and Ruis registry donate button. We will send everyone a personal thank you note after the wedding!
And if you haven't done so yet, please go and post your picture at our reception blog!

We can't wait for the big day!
hope everything is going well with your wedding preparation:)
We lost our tiny troop today, Monskitt, she went to bridge of rainbow last nite....and mommy Bunyu still not coming home, we're hoping she'll be back soon.
-meaouwy troops-
I fear I have to apologize for drinking all the 'niptinis and Long Island Ice 'nipTea I did, but I just couldn't make my mind up as to which I prefer... As for the dancing my way through the buffet, I'm ashamed to say I can't remember any of it... :( But I'm sure that all who saw my belly were most impressed with it! :) It's just the bestest belly I know... :)
The other thing is Isis and Mummy say I can't give you a kitten or 4 for your wedding present... It seems I shall have to offer you one of my beloved catnip plants, I thought the "Candy Cat" with it's pretty pink flowers and huge leaves would fit the bill nicely, but have been informed that I can't send drugs through the post! This is silly as "Candy Cat" is only a mild form of catnip, though the leaves are very nice to chew on and the flowers are very pink and pretty... :) I shall however get Mummy to photograph the plant when it's flowers are at it's best in a few weeks time and post it on my Wordless Wednesday just for you two! :)
I am looking forward to what awaits on that special day. I better go get a nap now while I can!
We are looking forward to your wedding. We thought about wearing top hat and tails but decided we just would not be comfortable dressed like that, we do prefer our furrs. We were wondering if clothing optional is acceptable?
We can't wait for the wedding! :) So exciting! :) We have to get our mom to help us with our outfits today!
Oh, the excitement mounts! We can't wait for the wedding!
I can't believe I haven't posted my picture yet!
I fyou two are getting the last minute jitters, you sure don't show it. Friday will be here before you know it.
Jackie, Gidget and Lola
Hi guys! Congratulations, I bet you are getting pretty excited now!!
Hope everything goes well!
Love Clover xo
How exciting, your big day is almost here!!!!
Help! How come when we click on "reception blog" in the text and it goes there, there is no sign in bar at the top so we can add a post? Same thing happens if we go direct from the tag on the CB; no sign in bar? Any suggestions... please email us.
OH Oh we is still look'n for dresses we is runnin out a time!! ~Empress
Wow, I can't believe that your big day is so close! Are all invited to your blog?
We just launched and are on our way to Voyager!
Mrs. OZ, will you take some extra bottles of Dom Niptignon when you beam over, because we are not sure that's programmed in Voyager replicators... hahahaha.
We are really really excited!!
We can't wait!! Now we're off to the reception... we still have to visit it!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
We are all on our way!!!!!!! Looking forward to the big event!!!!!!!!!
Roscoe, Sassy, Momo & Opus
We checked around the yard an found our best good-smelly and lovely flowers fer ya... Deliverable by goin ta ""
We hope that works...
Oh drat, it dint work...
Its at "
I am just so happy for the two of you'ns!!!
dang how can the guests already be arriving?!! doesn't anyone work? or is it just me that has to pay for my critters' foods?!!! you guys are so lucky
Oh man....we missed take off! Hope you guys are having fun!
I forgot to leave a message when I was here before! I woz too excited, that's why ;O)
Purrs, Sukie X
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