Sunday, July 26, 2009


Eric and Flynn were nice enough to pass this award on to us, thank you so much!

It comes with this explanation: "Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers."

So here are seven things about us. We are six cats, so each will get one and then we'll find one that covers all of us!

Edna - she loves to take out the screen from the bathroom sink drain and bring it in the bedroom to play with it

Coco - she has one pink toe on each front foot, all others are black

Notty - he talks like a bird...

Tintin - his favorite place to hang out in the morning is on top of the passenger cabin of the butler's truck

Mrs. OZ - she is the only one of us who is afraid of thunderstorms!

Karl - I am very territorial, and very alpha, and thus get into fights with the neighborhood cats a lot...

The Cat Realm - the staff says we all are the very best cats a human can ever wish for!

And the award will go to.......

Xanthe and Nishiko
Jewelgirls Katz

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coco helps...

... to clean out the office:

You can actually see an old note of mine there that was attached to a box of Turkish Delight which I gave the maid - the butler bought it for me but I wrote the note myself!
It says "Here is your chance to exercise self control in eating like I do. Purr, Karl".

Let's just say her exercise skills need some exercising....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Outdoor Cats...

As you may know we all were rescued from the outside and are still allowed to go outside during the day but not at night. We of course don't always obey....
Here you see how Notty broke out some nights ago. He was found the next morning sitting in the front yard.

And on the rare occasions when we have to stay inside during the day (staff knowing they'll be back only after sunset...) we try our very best to dig our way out as you can see by the destruction caused to carpet and cat door at the maid's place...

Here is the butler's cat door, Notty is just coming in:

They used to secure this with one brick at night...

...but I, Karl, just MOVED that out of the way and escaped! Now the door at night looks like this, hahahahahahahahahahahaha

And if the staff is around and locks us up too early - they get an earful! Same in the morning - we wake them up precisely five minutes before sunrise every morning with loud unhappy screams! Hahahahahahahahaha - at least they don't have to buy alarm clocks!
And here are more pictures of the kitties:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cycle Of Life

With heavy hearts we have to tell you that we lost our sweet Luna June 17. We did not want to spoil the Dare, so we did not post about it at the time. A neighbor had seen a coyote chasing another neighbor's cat (he survived) that day in the morning (he told us the next day) and in the afternoon Luna did not show up and hasn't been seen since...
Notty and Tintin took it pretty hard but are getting better now.

Here are the very last pictures of Luna, and the last one demonstrates why we called this post "cycle of life". As predators we cats are part of a cycle of life which mostly is a cruel one.

Luna was a vibrant, effervescent bundle of energy and we miss her lively personality a lot!

And on June 21 Dame Edna and Coco Chanel joined us. They were found abandoned, malnutritioned and hungry under a car and needed a home.... The staff thought it might help Notty and Tintin and that seems to be the case. Both have by now started to play with the kittens, and the kittens have almost doubled in weight since they came! These pictures are about 2 weeks old, we will try and get more recent ones soon.

June 21, Edna and Coco's "Gotcha Day" also was the day when last year our sweet Emil left us to go to the bridge. We miss him - his little voice and his big paws, his mischievous spirit and his compassionate heart. Edna reminds us of him - just as bow legged, hahahahahahaha!
Emil's friends gave him a wonderful
wake, and we want to post this picture today, done by Opus and Roscoe - who sadly enough also left for the bridge only three month after Emil - as a toast to Emil's glorious life, a small part of which you can see here!
You are in our hearts forever and we will always love you Emil!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

IDYA#5 Results!

We have a winner! We actually have two winners - Diamond Emerald-Eyes with his "eastern egg hunt played with mousies" and Milo and Alfie with their "NUDE charity Calendar for cats" both won first place. Followed by the Curators "silly fake Happy (whatever) Day".
Now I know you are all on edges to find out what EXACTLY those and all the other ideas are - BUT: I sent the complete list of all entries to
ML, as this was her birthday present, and she will decide what to do with it! If she publishes all entries in their entirety or has us all play them one after another - we 'll have to wait and see...
I am sure she'll let us know at the
CB what she'll do!
Thank you all for participating and thank you judges for making these incredible hard decisions!

We will get back to regular posting very soon after I had some rest....

Monday, July 6, 2009


I know we said we'll post the results of the last Dare today - but we are still waiting to hear from one judge... As soon as those results come in we will post!