Our Secret Paws came perfectly on time: December 24! But of course we didn't GET the package then because the staff was "too busy" to take pictures.... And then today they decided they had time....
Mrs. OZ is home and so grateful about it she doesn't even hold a grudge against the maid! She is eating, drinking, playing and purring so we figure she is o.k. We are leaving her alone for now so she can recuperate as her mouth must still hurt because she had major dental work done:
She found a place up high and sleeps, you can still see the wrapping where she had the IV.
As our CEO Sassy is stepping down from her position at Little Productions (read about it at Sassy's blog) we (Opus and Ollie, Momo, Asta, Ruis and Karl) decided to give her surprise party! At Versailles! And of course combine it with a trip to Paris, hahahahahahahahahaha.
Mrs. Oz is now officially an old decrepit cat, hahahahahahahahahahaha! She has bad gingivitis and needs to have pretty much half her teeth extracted... As she is only living with us for the past two years (she is 10) the maid and the butler blame the sorry state of her mouth on the former owners as we others all have excellent teeth! We are waiting for her bloodwork (called a "senior wellness profile" with emphasis on SENIOR, hahahaha) and then a "dental" will be scheduled.
And by the way - it is my (Karl's) Gotcha Day today which the staff forgot. Again! Their excuses: getting OZ to the VET (half an hour, several human injuries, peed on carpet, spiting, biting, hissing, etc. etc.) and being intoxicated. The maid is on heavy vicodin as she has the kind of ear infection where the doctor said "Oh my - this is worse than I thought, this is bad!" Serves her well!
Yeah - we are not called "party animals" for nothing!!! We flew right from Opus surprise birthday party in Rome to Asta's surprise party in New York - Don't miss to go there and wish her a happy birthday and see the pictures of the party! (Departure picture courtesy of Sassy)
Today is Opus birthday! And Ollie is throwing a surprise party in Rome and everybody is invited. The party is at Opus and Ollie's blog, and don't miss to check out Sassy's and Asta's blogs too for more pictures!
picture by Ollie
Ollie picked us all up with the MFV and flew us to the Colosseum where the party takes place.
picture by Ollie
We decorated it for the occasion...
Sassy brought a 'colossal' birthday cake and we performed a play just for the fun of it.
Then someone mentioned "chariot race" - we went through all of Rome!
Check out the other blogs for more birthday fun and then join us for the party!
Today is our good friend Momo's Gotcha Day. And as she is not telling her exact birthday she is celebrating that too! And she is having a party! So head on over to her blog, we are already at the party!
Finally here is the list of all the entries to our last Dare! The Cat Blogosphere is starting one of the winning entries TODAY: go here to become part of the nude cat calendar! We (the CB with our help) hope to start the second winner, and the third place soon too. If any of the participants want to do their entry - feel free to go ahead! There are so many good ideas, we really hope do to them all at one point!!! So, below is the list, and after reading it go here and become a "calendar cat", hahahahahahahaha!
winner: Diamond Emerald-Eyes Colored mousies will be hidden in blogs – if you want to participate you request a mouse from the organizer and will get one to hide in your blog – then everyone can look for those mousies. When you find one you email the color and the blog address and how it was hidden (in the sidebar, in a post graphic, etc.) to the organizer. The cats (or dogs, or others) who find the most mousies in a given time will get an award.
winner: Milo and Alfie Cats send in their “nude” (think “full monty q.”!) pictures and which month they represent (should be reflected in picture). Participating cats will pay an “entry fee” in the form of a donation to their favorite charity (does not have to be big!) Winners for each month will be chosen and a “nude cat calendar” (‘calendar cats’, hahahahahaha) published.
third place:Curator Every month a date is picked and that will be a “silly fake happy (whatever) day”. Ideas? Examples: Official Foot Floof Day, Mancat Day (nod to Whicky Whuudler there), Whisker Growing Day
Fin A Hunt Week will be declared, where kitties could show off their hunting skills at their blogs.Can be text, pictures, hunting fancy feast, etc… Participants get a badge.
Maggy The Sherwood Seven Search Day ChallengeNow this is the most elaborate game of all! To try and explain it in short:It is a search (like an easter egg hunt) for the seven Sherwood kitties who each will be hidden in someone’s blog who volunteers to participate and hide one of them.
Derby A scavenger hunt all throughout the CB where participants hide certain objects and for each participant a sentence with a hint of what is hidden will be posted on the CB.
The Crew Anyone can choose a certain national/international "day" and then CB members tell a story, write a poem or post pictures having to do with that "day". Cats who choose should notify the CB in advance to avoid overlapping and should also promote that day on their blog. Examples: National Ravioli Day? National PINK Day. International Box. Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Chey A lot of photos don't get used. At the end of each month we should have an outtake day--maybe the last Thursday of each month--Thankful that we don't have to post these all the time Thursday.
MissPeach Post a picture of YOURSELF in a frying pan with something very interesting also in the frying pan! Then tag another kitty to add another ingredient to the frying pan until the frying pan is filled with as many silly things as it can hold!
Socks, Scylla and Charybdis Find a fun way to cool off and take a picture of it. Squirt each other with hoses, squirt guns, drop water balloons on each other and it goes without saying staff would be fair game.
Peggy Everyone should find blogging cats whose name starts with each letter of their humans name. Example: (I used my name so to not give away the ID of this entry, Karl) K - Kashim A - Adan R - Ramses L - Latte
Rocky Each participant should visit 5 new blogs...page....or whichever.. (and at least 1 has to be a NOMS...) and list 5 things about it..
Ozark Mountain Cats Sponsor a little Nip and Snip at a shelter kitty in your neighborhood. Print off the coupon below and take it to the local shelter. Have the shelter humans sign the coupon and mail it to ML. ML, thanks to your devotion to Kitties all over da World,a Woofie (kitty) named _______________________ has paid for aNip and Snip in your honor at ________________________(name of shelter)
The Taylor Catsssss A postcard exchange. Everyone sends a postcard from their state to other CB members. The postcard must represent their state.
Ruis Make a guest star appearance in your favorite television series, talk show or movie for yourself, your family and/or friends (cats, dogs, bunnies, etc only.) Can be photoshop, drawing or painting, just tell the story in which you are guest starring.
As you may all know Little Productions is the production company behind the world famous and successful CCSI Capers with five CCSI episodes produced and aired so far. There are some internal changes taking place right now at Little Productions and you can find out all about it at Sassy's blog! Sassy also purchased a TV studio and offered Karl the position of Station Manager which he gladly accepted:
picture by Sassy and Karl
Find out more about what is going on at Little Productions over the course of the next few days at Sassy's blog!
Eric and Flynn were nice enough to pass this award on to us, thank you so much!
It comes with this explanation: "Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers."
So here are seven things about us. We are six cats, so each will get one and then we'll find one that covers all of us!
Edna - she loves to take out the screen from the bathroom sink drain and bring it in the bedroom to play with it
Coco - she has one pink toe on each front foot, all others are black
Notty - he talks like a bird...
Tintin - his favorite place to hang out in the morning is on top of the passenger cabin of the butler's truck
Mrs. OZ - she is the only one of us who is afraid of thunderstorms!
Karl - I am very territorial, and very alpha, and thus get into fights with the neighborhood cats a lot...
The Cat Realm - the staff says we all are the very best cats a human can ever wish for!
You can actually see an old note of mine there that was attached to a box of Turkish Delight which I gave the maid - the butler bought it for me but I wrote the note myself! It says "Here is your chance to exercise self control in eating like I do. Purr, Karl". Let's just say her exercise skills need some exercising....
As you may know we all were rescued from the outside and are still allowed to go outside during the day but not at night. We of course don't always obey.... Here you see how Notty broke out some nights ago. He was found the next morning sitting in the front yard.
And on the rare occasions when we have to stay inside during the day (staff knowing they'll be back only after sunset...) we try our very best to dig our way out as you can see by the destruction caused to carpet and cat door at the maid's place...
Here is the butler's cat door, Notty is just coming in:
They used to secure this with one brick at night...
...but I, Karl, just MOVED that out of the way and escaped! Now the door at night looks like this, hahahahahahahahahahahaha
And if the staff is around and locks us up too early - they get an earful! Same in the morning - we wake them up precisely five minutes before sunrise every morning with loud unhappy screams!Hahahahahahahahaha - at least they don't have to buy alarm clocks! And here are more pictures of the kitties:
With heavy hearts we have to tell you that we lost our sweet Luna June 17. We did not want to spoil the Dare, so we did not post about it at the time. A neighbor had seen a coyote chasing another neighbor's cat (he survived) that day in the morning (he told us the next day) and in the afternoon Luna did not show up and hasn't been seen since... Notty and Tintin took it pretty hard but are getting better now. Here are the very last pictures of Luna, and the last one demonstrates why we called this post "cycle of life". As predators we cats are part of a cycle of life which mostly is a cruel one.
Luna was a vibrant, effervescent bundle of energy and we miss her lively personality a lot!
And on June 21 Dame Edna and Coco Chanel joined us. They were found abandoned, malnutritioned and hungry under a car and needed a home.... The staff thought it might help Notty and Tintin and that seems to be the case. Both have by now started to play with the kittens, and the kittens have almost doubled in weight since they came! These pictures are about 2 weeks old, we will try and get more recent ones soon.
June 21, Edna and Coco's "Gotcha Day" also was the day when last year our sweet Emil left us to go to the bridge. We miss him - his little voice and his big paws, his mischievous spirit and his compassionate heart. Edna reminds us of him - just as bow legged, hahahahahahaha! Emil's friends gave him a wonderful wake, and we want to post this picture today, done by OpusandRoscoe - who sadly enough also left for the bridge only three month after Emil - as a toast to Emil's glorious life, a small part of which you can see here! You are in our hearts forever and we will always love you Emil!